Monday, October 15, 2007

Hey! What WAS That!!?!

A very good friend of ours, Jules, lives up on the Northcoast of California - in Humboldt County,
and they live out in farm and ranch country (unlike our suburbia home). Although, like us, they have a few kitties in their household and a wonderful rescued Golden Retriever (I think that's his breed) named Moose. Among the various cats in the household are Tosca and Grace. These are the characters of Jules' story. Oh, there is one more character, but s/he remains nameless. You'll see why in just a moment.

Jules relates her story like this:

I had awoken around 1:30am, not sure why, but got up and got a drink of water and trundled back to bed. I hadn't seen Tosca in the house earlier in the evening, so I left the cat door open and locked up all the cat food like I usually do. I was able to fall asleep right away, which doesn't always happen. So around 2:20, when I was suddenly awake because of a scuffle, I was kind of ticked. My first thought was "***damn TOSCA AND GRACE!!!" because they get into it sometimes. I heard all this commotion, then I felt a cat run over me and up my pillow into the window sill.

Or so I thought.

heard a lot, and I mean a LOT of clawing and scratching, so I got up and turned on the light. I was quite surprised to see Moose standing right next to my side of the bed, wagging his tail and looking quite alert. He's usually dead asleep, even when the cats fight. So I turned around to see what he was looking at and there, peering at me from the TOP of the curtain rod, was a RACCOON.

Now, Moose was
REALLY interested, staring intently at the 'coon, which stared intently back (I suspect the scrambling OVER MY HEAD was due to being chased by Moose). Even at 2:20am, my brain immediately announced "Moose was trained to kill raccoons by his former owner." That's all I needed - a raccoon bloodbath in our bedroom.

So the first order
of business was to get the dog *out* of the room. Oh, he was not happy about that, but I so did not care. Then I looked around to see if any cats were trapped in the room with me. Well, no, they had all run off when the 'coon ran through the house, I guess.

So now it was me and the raccoon, who by now was desperately trying to get as far away from me as it could. It was a smaller one, thankfully, not a baby, but a juvenile. A full grown adult raccoon is nothing to tangle with. Still. As I stared at her/him, s/he tried to crawl across the pictures hanging on our walls, but couldn't quite get a grip. S/he had knocked down the valence and curtain rod that it hung
on, so I grabbed that and kind of herded it back towards the windowsill. That's when it started growling at me.


I walked over towards the window and watched
carefully, while the 'coon tried to shimmy away. I opened the window up ALL the way (we have no screen on this window, thank the GODDESS), then tried to herd the 'coon towards the open window.

More growling.

Then s/he swung upside down and shimmied across the
curtain rod that was still hanging, like some sort of rappeling bandit. S/he finally realized the window was open and the last thing I saw was the tail disappearing over the side, rather abruptly, since it is a two story drop to the ground. Then it was time to open the bedroom door, and Moose was in there like a shot, sniffing around, wondering where his great toy had gone off to.

I went down to the
laundry room and locked the cat door up tight, I didn't CARE if any of the cats were outside.

So the new rule is: cats in by 8pm, or they're locked out for the night. As it rains more, and gets colder, this won't be an issue, but I'll tell you, there is no WAY I'm leaving it open anymore! I still can't figure out exactly what happened, but something obviously scared the raccoon badly by our cat door, because there was, um, raccoon poop all over the rug, the wall, etc. I have to wonder if Moose didn't happen upon the 'coon, though he usually does not get up and wander at night, so I'm still not sure. And why it chose to go to the *opposite* end of the house (literally as far away from the cat door as you could get in our house) is also quite beyond me.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you how delighted I was to realize it was the 'coon that scrambled over my person and head (though it missed my head itself, which is a good thing - those suckers have SHARP claws), and not a cat. I hope this is the last time I have to worry about a raccoon running into our bedroom though. Rats in the attic are bad enough, I just can't tell you how shocked I was to turn on the light and see that little masked face staring back at me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Because I'm The Mom - Ta-Da!

I'm still laughing. This is great even if you're not a Mom. Introducing Anita Renfroe.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Have You Ever...? (or, Love those blogs!)

This past month I've been poking around the Blog-o-Sphere quite a bit. Mostly just to see what's out there. Have you ever found a blog you liked, that you want to visit again, and then you couldn't find it the next time around?

Well, there was this one blog that I really enjoyed reading. Thing is, I can't recall who wrote it, how I found it, nor anything specific enough to do a blog search for it. I think that it is written by a woman in or near Stilwell, Oklahoma. Can't recall her name. I believe she was a Native American because she talked some about tribal matters. I was intrigued.

I should have taken notes. Anyone out there know which blog this might be?

One of the things I truly enjoy about blogging is that it's fun to gain insight into the everyday life and ideas of people all over the world, our own nation, and even in our local regions. When I came across the mysterious Oklahoma blog, it was like I had a window into a sub-culture of our nation. It is a personal opportunity. These kinds of things don't come easily to a Mom immersed in a 8-5 job and a home the 'burbs. I really hope I find it again.

In the meantime - and in no particular order...

I love reading Zirelda's blog - she shares stories about her art, living in Colorado, and being a Mom to a pre-teen girl. She reminds me to keep an eye to the beauty right before my eyes.

I love reading Aiko Annie's blog, for she is my muse. She is how I might have lived my life had I been raised in San Francisco (where I was born) instead of moving off and away with my military family. Divergent paths... one never knows...

Then there's Just Eat Your Cupcake, Maria blogging in Nebraska. Maria is a gifted writer, and I try not to miss a single post - good for a chuckle and occasionally a tear.

Gina's Just Another Day is a study in humor by a woman raising a son and a husband while navigating the past of her family and her husband's family. I never miss a post.

Terroni is serving time as a medical student in her (what is it called?) first internship. She has been rotating her new-doctor duties through different disciplines in a hospital. She just finished her ER rotation, and is now doing a psych rotation. If she weren't so gol-durned tired, I'm sure we'd hear from her more!

Then there is English blogger, Ruth, who writes Meanwhile, Here in France. I've been following her blog for a couple of years now. She's a professional musician (cellist) and her husband is an artist - a painter. I love the photographs she often uses to illustrate her posts. She writes thoughtfully and metaphorically. A treat to be sure.

You know, I have been "on the net" since the very early eighties when all it connected was participating universities and some companies. I have been on email lists of hundreds of people - precursors to the forums of today. But the innovation of web-logs (blogs) has really turned personal communication on its head - and I am continually amazed at just how far we've come in such a short time.

Ya gotta love it, right?

There are more blogs than I can write about. Please forgive me for not naming you all.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Yeah, yeah, I know what I said...

Yes, I know. I said the blog was closed. But, I missed all of you.

And, you wouldn't believe the grief I've been getting from neighbors and friends. Oddly enough, the family doesn't much care. Oh well. Here's a short update on what has been going on around here.

Katie Rose started middle school this year.
Megan started 4th grade.
Kandy is off to Capitola for a weekend with friends.
I got contacts.

But, I can't see. No, that's not right, I can see, but my eyes are getting used to things. One eye sees distance, the other sees close up. Sometimes I feel as if I'm one of those lizards whose eyes move independantly in all directions.

This too shall pass.

Work is sucky, since the we're moving from public to private. I can't wait to see how that pans out.

All is well, and we'll just have to see how this blogging thang goes...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

It’s All About Me(mes)

Turtles, a good friend and fellow blogger, and Tara Dharma, a fellow blogger whom I have not yet met, but I feel as if I know her, have both tagged me for the same thing – a month apart. What did they tag me for?

They tagged me to write a meme with eight random facts about myself.

• We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
• Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
• People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
• At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
• Don’t forget to leave them each a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

So, the business is out of the way. Time to get down to brass tacks.

  1. I used to work at a “figure salon” when I was 15 years old. It was called “Elaine Powers Figure Salon.” In those days (the late 60’s early 70’s), older women (than me) wanted to “build their busts,” or they sat on roller thingies to wear down the cellulite of the bum and thighs. I kid you not. Oh, and they had these belt things that were supposed to vibrate the fat away. No aerobics here, ladies. Some weights were used to build your pecks – and thus your bust. Too funny. I wasn’t their thinnest “counselor” and so was told that I should lose some weight or leave.

I left.

  1. The only time I can write songs or music is when I’m very, very sad, or bereft. If I’m happy I cannot write music or poetry at all. I haven’t written a song in years and years. Oh, I did write a poem last spring – I was feeling particularly nostalgic that day. Nostalgic for youth and newness and the wind blowing through my hair as I drove out in the country.
  1. Cooking is one of my favorite pass-times. I love bringing together the flavors of veggies and garlic and onions and fresh herbs. Nothing better. Just last night I sautéed asparagus, green beans, sweet onions, garlic, summer squash and zucchini and Italian herbs and some Pinot Grigio wine. Deeeee-lish! Poured that over pasta, sprinkle with freshly grated Romano cheese - and the aromas were to die for. As you can imagine, I just love, love, love watching the Food Network. But, I’d never be a chef – not after what I’ve seen of chefs on TV. Eeeeuuw! Who would want to suffer that abuse? Takes the fun out of it.
  1. I have two brothers, and a few years ago I found out I also have a sister! Hey, Sis! How’s it going? Geography keeps us from getting together very often, but I hope that changes some day.
  1. I love doggies, but I have never in my life been owned by one. Cats always seem to have found their way into my life instead. What can I say?
  1. My younger kidlet and my niece’s (smgumby’s) oldest kidlet are the same age. I got a late start on parenthood. It takes all my energy to keep up with the girls, but I love everything about us and them.
  1. I love writing, but I just don’t have a flair for it. My greatest wish is that I could make a living writing novels. I think that would be just way cool. But, I don’t seem to have the knack for telling stories. Isn’t that sad?
  1. Have you ever met anyone famous? I have met just one famous person: Debbie Reynolds. About 12 years ago we bought a timeshare in Las Vegas and Debbie Reynolds was gracious enough to meet us and have her picture taken with Kandy. (I was too shy to get in the picture with them.) I will have to find that pic and scan it in one of these days...

Okay, that’s me. I’m going to break the rules and not tag anyone. If you want to do a meme – have at it, but let me know, ‘kay?!?

Anticipation - It Changes Everything

Earlier this week I brought my bike to work. That way, when I have a meeting clear across campus, I don't have to check out a vehicle (or use my own) to get there. No, indeedy. I get my fat behind up in the saddle and cycle my way over to whatever building in which my presence is required. Now, believe it or not, my employer actually provides bicycles with which to do this. However, said equipment is a lot like what I learned to ride on in the 60's - very fat tires, loud orange color, huge and heavy frame. However, the bikes do sport a basket (mine does not). Just the same, I like riding my own bicycle - and sometimes at lunch I go for long rides exploring around the vineyards and nearby ranches.

Occasionally, when I don't feel like nuking a Weight-Watchers dinner or Progresso soup
for my lunch, I want a nice salad. Today was such a day. So I climbed aboard my bike and toodled off to the Central Cafe' here on campus. There was the usual salad bar offerings and pre-made salads in the cooler. But, over there, to the left, was someone who was mixing up Greek Cobb Salads to order.

Oooooh, look at all the pretty ingredients. There was spinach, romaine lettuce, dark Greek olives, peppers, onions, cucumbers, goat cheese and spicy flat bread to accompany the delights. And to top it off was my choice of chicken or lamb. Well, doh, that's a no-brainer - lamb, hands down. How often do I ever get to eat lamb? Like almost never (50% of the household runs gagging whenever I try to grill lamb chops - identities are withheld to protect their sensibilities, but their names both start with "K").

So, as I watched the server preparing my salad, I found myself salivating in anticipation. Watching it be assembled, it just looked so darned pretty and yummy. This happens to me every time - total anticipation. The actual eating of the final product, while usually good, never quite reaches the anticipated levels of ecstasy I thought I might reach.

Funny how that works.

And, on a semi-related topic - why does it always seem to take so darned long going somewhere, and coming home is in just a blink?

Monday, August 06, 2007

These Aren't Your Dad's Cartoons

Lately the girls have been watching Full Metal Alchemist. It is, I believe, a Japanese cartoon show - import. I don't have any objections to them watching this. Katie has been picking up on the art and has been sketching the characters. Megan just likes the stories.

They spend a lot of time looking for stories. Both of them are really into fantasy - dragons, witches, Harry Potter - you name it.

When I was their age, I loved Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd and all the Warner Bros. cartoons.
I even liked Popeye the Sailor. I hated the cartoons where the characters barely moved and the mouths didn't really do anything. The humor was awkward, if not mean.

I know times change. It's just that I hate to be on the other side of that time. My kids are doing and saying things that I did - and that's great - but one doesn't really want to be an Old Fogie, and that is just how I'm feeling.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Today is The Day

They're coming home today!

Kandy and the girls are flying back from Ohio today. I am thrilled. I've been rattling around the house with no direction while three-quarters of my life has been excised from me for almost two weeks.

Yes, I know. It's a pitiful existance. The only company I have had is four silly kitties, Meg's gecko (Speedy) and Katie Rose's two rats (Ruby and Jewell). Oh, and the damned, yapping, ankle-biter-dog that lives in the yard to the back of us. That stoopid dog yaps night and day. Why do people have pets, if they don't take care of them?

But, I digress.

August is nearly upon us ... the summer has been scooting by too quickly. I wish I had more vacation to take off from work, as I would like to hang out for another week with my family. I do like the quiet time, and it really was nice and quiet around the house, but I feel the need of balance.

Wouldn't you?