This past month I've been poking around the Blog-o-Sphere quite a bit. Mostly just to see what's out there. Have you ever found a blog you liked, that you want to visit again, and then you couldn't find it the next time around?
Well, there was this one blog that I really enjoyed reading. Thing is, I can't recall who wrote it, how I found it, nor anything specific enough to do a blog search for it. I think that it is written by a woman in or near Stilwell, Oklahoma. Can't recall her name. I believe she was a Native American because she talked some about tribal matters. I was intrigued.
I should have taken notes. Anyone out there know which blog this might be?
One of the things I truly enjoy about blogging is that it's fun to gain insight into the everyday life and ideas of people all over the world, our own nation, and even in our local regions. When I came across the mysterious Oklahoma blog, it was like I had a window into a sub-culture of our nation. It is a personal opportunity. These kinds of things don't come easily to a Mom immersed in a 8-5 job and a home the 'burbs. I really hope I find it again.
In the meantime - and in no particular order...
I love reading Zirelda's blog - she shares stories about her art, living in Colorado, and being a Mom to a pre-teen girl. She reminds me to keep an eye to the beauty right before my eyes.
I love reading Aiko Annie's blog, for she is my muse. She is how I might have lived my life had I been raised in San Francisco (where I was born) instead of moving off and away with my military family. Divergent paths... one never knows...
Then there's Just Eat Your Cupcake, Maria blogging in Nebraska. Maria is a gifted writer, and I try not to miss a single post - good for a chuckle and occasionally a tear.
Gina's Just Another Day is a study in humor by a woman raising a son and a husband while navigating the past of her family and her husband's family. I never miss a post.
Terroni is serving time as a medical student in her (what is it called?) first internship. She has been rotating her new-doctor duties through different disciplines in a hospital. She just finished her ER rotation, and is now doing a psych rotation. If she weren't so gol-durned tired, I'm sure we'd hear from her more!
Then there is English blogger, Ruth, who writes Meanwhile, Here in France. I've been following her blog for a couple of years now. She's a professional musician (cellist) and her husband is an artist - a painter. I love the photographs she often uses to illustrate her posts. She writes thoughtfully and metaphorically. A treat to be sure.
You know, I have been "on the net" since the very early eighties when all it connected was participating universities and some companies. I have been on email lists of hundreds of people - precursors to the forums of today. But the innovation of web-logs (blogs) has really turned personal communication on its head - and I am continually amazed at just how far we've come in such a short time.
Ya gotta love it, right?
There are more blogs than I can write about. Please forgive me for not naming you all.