Turtles, a good friend and fellow blogger, and Tara Dharma, a fellow blogger whom I have not yet met, but I feel as if I know her, have both tagged me for the same thing – a month apart. What did they tag me for?
They tagged me to write a meme with eight random facts about myself.
• We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
• Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
• People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
• At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
• Don’t forget to leave them each a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
So, the business is out of the way. Time to get down to brass tacks.
- I used to work at a “figure salon” when I was 15 years old. It was called “Elaine Powers Figure Salon.” In those days (the late 60’s early 70’s), older women (than me) wanted to “build their busts,” or they sat on roller thingies to wear down the cellulite of the bum and thighs. I kid you not. Oh, and they had these belt things that were supposed to vibrate the fat away. No aerobics here, ladies. Some weights were used to build your pecks – and thus your bust. Too funny. I wasn’t their thinnest “counselor” and so was told that I should lose some weight or leave.
I left.
- The only time I can write songs or music is when I’m very, very sad, or bereft. If I’m happy I cannot write music or poetry at all. I haven’t written a song in years and years. Oh, I did write a poem last spring – I was feeling particularly nostalgic that day. Nostalgic for youth and newness and the wind blowing through my hair as I drove out in the country.
- Cooking is one of my favorite pass-times. I love bringing together the flavors of veggies and garlic and onions and fresh herbs. Nothing better. Just last night I sautéed asparagus, green beans, sweet onions, garlic, summer squash and zucchini and Italian herbs and some Pinot Grigio wine. Deeeee-lish! Poured that over pasta, sprinkle with freshly grated Romano cheese - and the aromas were to die for. As you can imagine, I just love, love, love watching the Food Network. But, I’d never be a chef – not after what I’ve seen of chefs on TV. Eeeeuuw! Who would want to suffer that abuse? Takes the fun out of it.
- I have two brothers, and a few years ago I found out I also have a sister! Hey, Sis! How’s it going? Geography keeps us from getting together very often, but I hope that changes some day.
- I love doggies, but I have never in my life been owned by one. Cats always seem to have found their way into my life instead. What can I say?
- My younger kidlet and my niece’s (smgumby’s) oldest kidlet are the same age. I got a late start on parenthood. It takes all my energy to keep up with the girls, but I love everything about us and them.
- I love writing, but I just don’t have a flair for it. My greatest wish is that I could make a living writing novels. I think that would be just way cool. But, I don’t seem to have the knack for telling stories. Isn’t that sad?
- Have you ever met anyone famous? I have met just one famous person: Debbie Reynolds. About 12 years ago we bought a timeshare in Las Vegas and Debbie Reynolds was gracious enough to meet us and have her picture taken with Kandy. (I was too shy to get in the picture with them.) I will have to find that pic and scan it in one of these days...