I received a set of interview questions from Gina in the OC. I asked for it. What can I say, I'm a masochist. Usually I hate memes, but this isn't as much of a meme as usual. So here goes...
Beer or wine?
Used to be beer, in the days of my youth. That was before beer when straight to my hips, my waist, my arms. You get the idea.
Now that we live in wine country, I am actually learning about wines. Mostly I'm learning what I like about a wine, what to look for in flavor, and how to appreciate the flavor. So, in the fall of my life I have to say that I would rather enjoy a good Pinot Grigio to a home brewed ale, or a Mexican tecate. Tastes change, right?
But, if I'm eating red meat - give me a good, cold bottle of BEER. Especially in the summer. Or, if I'm at a ballgame - that's BEER time, too. You can't drink wine at a ballgame. There is just something wrong with that picture. It's just wrong.
What is the most important quality you would like to pass on to your kids?
Fairness and to stay above the fray. I want my kids to be open-minded and central in their thinking. I want them to think for themselves and not be swayed by anyone without thinking the subject through for themselves. There are too many cattle-people in this world, and not enough inspired thinkers and do-ers.
Oh, and more importantly, I want them to have my warped sense of humor. They're well on their way to accomplishing that goal.
My work is almost complete. Heh.
Would you describe yourself as having a green thumb?
But of course! What I don't have wish I had is a strong back! Gardening is wonderful, but it is killing me. I enjoy gardening, and growing things - especially veggies. But my passion has been tempered by pain. Not a pretty sight. We have a wonderful rose garden, but both of us haven't been able to keep up with it!
If you could get a free magazine subscription for a year, what magazine would you pick?
Wow, I don't know. I know what I wouldn't pick:
Field and Stream
Guns & Ammo
Sports Illustrated
(although I might have liked SI back in the 80's when I was more active in sports). So, let's see, what would I pick? I think I'd like Islands travel magazine. I love to travel, and I love traveling to any island that has scuba adventures. I'm down with that! (You did see the picture of me on the left, didn't you?) I'd like to spend my retirement going to each and every scuba destination, then writing of my experiences. That would just be too cool.
I can dream, can't I?
What is the one household chore you wish you would never have to do again?
Anything at all having to do with plumbing. Anything. I don't think I need to explain, it seems pretty self-explanatory to me, wouldn't you agree?
Okay, if you want to be interviewed, let me know. I'm most happy to oblige.

Here are the "rules":
If you would like to be interviewed:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.