Saturday, May 26, 2007

There are Cats, and then there are Bengals

My sister in Texas sent me a query not too long ago. She asked if we might be interested in adopting a kitty. Well, we have four cats now (down from a high of seven cats - waaaa-ay too many, in my humble opinion. Even four is a LOT to care for!) All four are litter-mates. We really shouldn't have any cats. The idea, way back when, was that once Ol' Lucky and Mozart had left this world, we would no longer have any cats.

That was the plan.

A wrinkle in that plan came the day Kandy saw teeny, little kittens running along side the house in the rain in late Fall of 2000. Seems we had a feral litter of kittens living in the back forty (feet), living in the bushes and what-not. Their Mama was a Tortie that no neighbors took responsibility for. Long story short - we started caring for them. I've talked about these kitties before. You can read about them here, if you're so inclined.

It seems that a friend of my sister's raises Bengals. My sister and her husband even have one - his name is "Butch," but his name used to be "Merlin." She says that Butch is a much more suitable name.
I'd have to take her word for it, since I've never met Butch.

Here is one picture of Butch.

Don't you
just love those markings? He is quite the character, I'm told. He looks pretty sleek. If we ever introduce a cat into this household, it would have to have a personality to hold his or her own place in the resulting shuffle of the pecking order. I like the next picture as well. Kind of shows his mischievious side, don't you think?

It seems that there are two lovely Bengal adult females up for adoption. As much as I would love to have a Bengal, I am leary of introducing an adult into a household of semi-feral adult cats of which only one (Spot) approximates a normal housecat.

However, I might consider a kitten or pre-adult... but we just cannot afford to buy a kitty of such lineage. It just goes against my nature to buy a pedigreed animal anyway. Although I would adopt one and give it a good home.

So, perhaps someday there will be a younger kitty in need of a home.