Thursday, May 25, 2006

Finger sucking brains

The girls have been cracking me up.

More often than not they have "sleep-overs" with each other. Katie will sleep in Megan's room for many a night on end. Then, as the bickering and territorialism mount, Megan says she doesn't want Katie sleeping in her room. A few nights will go by, each girl in her own room. Eventually, Megan will end up in Katie's room. That lasts for a while, until Katie kicks Megan out, and the cycle continues.

Well, ever since Katie broke her arm, and after the initial trauma when they both slept upstairs in the family room closest to our bedroom, Katie has been in her own bed.

Megan, with her twisted sense of the world, "Megan's World," said that she didn't want to sleep with Katie because her arm comes off in the middle of the night.

"It pops off Katie and crawls around and then it walks on the fingers while I'm sleeping. Then it tries to suck my brains out! I don't want her fingers to suck my brains out!!!"
She says all this with a gleam and a giggle. Then they both crack up giggling hysterically rolling all over the bed.

Our warped kidlets. How I love them.