Do you see a little froggy?
A few weeks ago the girls came home from a pond with some tadpoles. As kids often do, they lost interest in caring for said tadpoles. We lost a few right away, and eventually ended up with one tiny little one. We fed it, changed the water, watched it grow hinde feet. Katie took a little interest in it. Not a lot. But, Kandy - the kind, old soul that she is - changed the water, and fed the tiny thing, and slowly grew attached to it.
A couple of days ago, the front feet popped out. The frog was getting active. Last night, before we went to bed, Kandy and I were remarking that the little tail was beginning to get a lot shorter. It was less than a half inch long - just a little less long as his little almost-froggy body. I allowed as how the neighborhood pet store has little froggy aquariums, and maybe we should look into getting that? Off we padded to bed.
So, this morning as I was getting ready for work, and Kandy was puttering around in the kitchen, I heard an unexpected,
"He's GONE!"What? Who's gone? Of course, I had an idea, but how could that be?
"I've looked everywhere. He couldn't have hopped out of the bowl - could he? No, he couldn't have. I've moved all the rocks around and he's not there."So, I go in there. The bowl always sat on the back counter, across the way from the window, on the other side of the dinette table. That's just where it was. No little tadpole/froggy. No tadpole/froggy on the floor. No tadpole/froggy behind the cookbooks. No tadpole/froggy under the fridge. No tadpole/froggy anywhere.
It's a mystery. I wish I had a picture of the little tadpole/froggy - but I didn't expect him to turn up missing.
The cats have never, ever exhibited any interest in the bowl. They're kinda stupid

So, here's the only scenario we can come up with that makes sense. Maybe the little froggy did actually climb out, jump out - some how make a break for it out of the bowl. Okay, maybe so. Then, the cats noticed something small moving around the floor.
Says the cat. (Identity of said feline is unknown - paw prints were not found at the scene of the crime.)"Yumm!"
Someone must have had a mid-night snack. It's the only

What do you think?