If a kid turns eleven years old, does that make her a "tween?"
Katie turned 11 today, December 1st, 2006. Wow. So amazing. As I get older time just passes more quickly. I don't understand it, but when I was a kid it seemed that summer would last forever. Then, when it was over, the new school year did last forever! (Or so it seemed.)
But now, as the girls grow, it seems to be going way too fast.
It seems not so very long ago when Katie was still learning to talk and her baby sister Megan was born. How alike they looked, how different they are.
Unlike previous birthdays, Katie didn't want a party this year. Instead, she wanted just a couple of her close friends to do some fun things this evening, and tomorrow I am taking them to the Jelly Belly Factory for a tour.
Hey, do you know what they call the "irregular" jelly bellies, the one that don't measure up? Ready? Give up?
Belly Flops
You can buy the Belly Flops in their shop.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Happy Birthday Katie Rose!
Can't wait!
Posted by
Deb Heller
5:28 PM