Megs did very well getting her new braces installed. Her current set of bands are red and orange. Next week, before she goes to an Oakland A's game, she's going to get the bands changed to green and gold in honor of her favorite baseball team.
(9/6/06 Note: Here's a picture of Megan after she got her Oakland A's bands on. She's ready for the ball game!!!)
She says they don't hurt yet - but you can tell she's getting used to them, as she works her lips around them so she can close her mouth. They look pretty good, though, considering. I mean, they are braces, afterall.
I'll try to update this post with a picture - if she'll let me get one of her. Although, she may make me wait until she has the green and gold bands on. :-)
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Braces are In!
Posted by
Deb Heller
12:15 PM