Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tomorrow the Braces Go On

Tomorrow, our little Megs (8.5 years old) will be getting braces to correct an over-bite that has gotten worse as she has grown older. I am so glad that the practice of orthodontics has progressed some ways since I had braces - starting at the same age as my little Megs, except mine when on in the beginning of 1963, and I wore them for five interminable years. I hope to heaven that she won't have to endure that sort of correction.

The new procedures don't sound as painful as it once was for me, and they don't put bands around all the teeth any longer. Now they only band the back teeth, which serve as anchors for the rest.

It may not be a pleasant experience, but at least I hope it won't be as torturous for my little babe.

Anyone else have experience with braces? I'd like to know what you think.