Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mexican Radio Stations

I'm home for lunch today. Here in my study the window is open and faces onto the street. Neighbors across the street must be having some work done - there is mariachi music blaring out of a boom-box somewhere out there. Then, periodically I hear a long-beep that preceeds one of the workers talking on Nextel telephone - in Español - to someone.

Oh, and I just finished eating a taco for lunch. Ah, California, I love it here.

A while back I bought one of those yellow and black paperbacks called, "Spanish for Dummies." I thought it might be a good idea to learn more than the Spanish I learned in grade school in the olden days (as my daughters would say). And by the time I was to pick an elective language in High School, I was much more interested in traveling through Europe - so I picked German. That actually turned out to be a good choice, as I found out when I was in Aalborg, Denmark.

But now, living in California, I'm sure you'd be shocked to learn that there's not much call for German.

And besides, I really hate not being able to eves-drop on conversations in my presence, just because they're in Spanish. No fun in that, now is there? Besides, native speakers of
Español would never suspect a gringo, middle-aged (but, a-hem, beautiful) woman to understand them. I'd love to be able to say something snarky, given a reason and a chance...

Wouldn't you?