Celeste has done the unthinkable. She has tagged me. Celeste is the daughter of a fellow who's blog I have been following for about a year now. One day he mentioned that his daughter had joined the blogger community, so ever since then I have been checking out her blog as well. It's interesting how a one's blogging community extends and grows. I never know when making contact will reap the reward of community instead of anonymity.
Regarding the game of Tagging, this is from Celeste's blog entry,
The first player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself". In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.Five weird things/habits about me:
- The person I see in the mirror is most definitely not the person in my mind's eye. I don't know who that is in the mirror - I am still in my 20's - but whoever is looking back at me looks a lot older than she ought to!
- I am obsessed playing Myst. It is a beautiful computer game that is chock full of puzzles to be solved. Nothing violent, and it is not really action-filled, but very, very intriguing. I just picked up Myst IV: Revelation (check out the website - it is very cool), and have just begun to play it. I've been playing the various iterations of Myst since the mid-90's. This is the next to last release and is, by far, the best of all I have played. I can't wait to finish this one just to see what Myst V has in store. Every version has always been better than the one preceding it.
- I love playing computer Solitaire. Too much. I find that it allows me to Not Think. Classify that as an Escape. My work requires that I think a lot, so this is the perfect temporary escape.
- I love computers. I have been working on and with computers since you could walk into tha back of one. I remember when a platter disk, diameter 15" and 8 platters was capable of holding a whopping FIVE MEGABYTES of data - and that was very cool - in
1975. I also remember playing with a facsimilie machine where the signal was sent at a Baud Rate of 300bps and on our receiving end the paper was fitted around a rotating drum (something like the cardboard roll for paper towels). The resolution wasn't very good, but the message/image was transmitted over the North Atlantic Ocean, and it was truly amazing - then.
- On Sundays I like to lie in bed reading. I listen for the house to wake up, the kitties with their growling tummies, the girls crawling into be with me and my partner. A quiet and peaceful time to enjoy with my family.