Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Writings 'R' Us?

You know, I was once a member in a writing club in Berkeley, California. It consisted of about eight women who were young, middle aged and... ahem, wrinkled a bit older. At the time, I think I was at the not-quite-middle-aged end of the spectrum of participants. Not like today. When I look back on why I was there, I think now that I was looking for inspiration and discipline, and a smattering of kindred hearts. The first two are two diabolically opposed virtues which I wanted to meld or fit together into a working form. The last was a search in progress.

Of the first two, I was unsuccessful.
Perhaps it was fear of failure? Fear of success? I don't know. Maybe I had yet to find a perfect venue.

Of the third... it is now many years later and it would seem that there are many a kindred spirit in this new blogosphere. Happy Day.

The karmic wheel, it does turn...