Katie's class sent her a Very Big get-well card... Very cool, and it made her feel better, since being home all day with Mom isn't as much fun as being with her friends. (Click on the picture to make it bigger.)
Today the surgeon took Xrays of Katie's arm. I wish I could have gotten a printout of the Xray, like they gave us at the ER. But, no, it didn't look like that would be in the cards today. So I can't post what that looks like. But I'll tell you, it is wierd to see pins that look like needles in there. I thought they would be bigger and more like screws. But, I guess when you think about how small her bones are at 10 yrs old, it makes a lot of sense. Plus, they say they can just "pull them out" 3 weeks from today. Wow.
Yay, she gets to go back to school tomorrow! The doc said, "No running, no jumping though. Move that hand a lot, get those fingers moving." I'm going to find one of those squishy balls so she can sit there mooshing it and playing with it.
Aw, durn it.
They said it shouldn't hurt too much when they pull those pins. Uhhhhh... How much is "not too much?"
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Pins and Needles
Just thinking about it makes me wince. (But don't tell Katie I said that!)
Posted by Deb Heller at 8:30 PM