Thursday, April 27, 2006

Protesting the Protesters

Some people just are not content to let others live or die in peace. I read in today's newspaper that the (so-called) Rev. Fred Phelps and his band of cultish followers are now hanging around funerals of soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan to, get this, celebrate the soldier's death. For the life of me I see nothing to celebrate when a soldier, fighting for his or her country has given their life (and I say this regardless of whether or not I believe we should be there). To cheer our soldiers' deaths is so twisted, I am incredulous.

And, do you know why they think it is a good thing to celebrate? Phelps' followers profess to believe that American deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are punishment by their god on the United States for tolerating "sinful behaviors." You know, this logic sounds oh-so-extremist-muslim to me, which I differentiate from true Islam that holds all people may live in peace.

The article came to my attention because a bill was before the state legislature to bar protesters from targeting fallen service members at their funerals. It was voted down 4-3 in Assembly's Public Safety Committee. The bill was aimed at any group which would criticize or glorify a fallen soldier.

I am glad the bill was not passed in committee. While I detest and abhor the actions and claims and words by the "Phelps" of this world, I would rue the day that their freedom to speak would be silenced. It would be a scary day, indeed, for who would be next? And if we cannot glorify our heros due to a law such as this, then the "Phelps" of this world would have made yet another in-road.