Disneyland may be the "Happiest place on earth," but I have never observed so many F-A-T people in all my life. Not just adults - KIDS, too! I mean these people were more than fat, they were OBESE. It was a real eye-opener. Now, lest my faithful readers think I'm being bigotted here, I am an over-weight, middle-aged woman. And, for me, seeing thousands of others who are much more over-weight than I, only one thought keeps coming to mind, "There but for the grace of god go I."
I am totally convinced that the news media is not exagerating about "The Fattening of America." It's true, if what I saw was any indication. I mean, people were walking around with bellies hanging over their pants - and these are the women! And butts - sticking out so far behind and to the sides of them, you wonder how they can sit in an airline seat. What is disgusting is to see entire families that are seriously huge, eating very large ice creams and fries as they waddled down Disney's Main Street. Yuck.
Then I got to thinking - the engineers of the rides must have to take into account how much these people weigh. O.M.G. I wonder what their statistics say about wear and tear on the equipment that supports all these people.
I was heartened to see fresh food options available - as opposed to fried foods - which is plentiful and available as well. The fresh food was mostly fruits of all types. But it's not a bargain when a wedge pineapple costs $2.75.
Overall, seeing all this obesity really made me much more conscious of my own weight issues. I clearly see myself heading down the road to ugly obesity (I don't think I'm quite at the "ugly" stage).
These observations have given me pause, and a new urgency has been added to my on-going need to lose 25 more pounds by mid-summer.
Time to kick ass!
Saturday, April 22, 2006
FAT, Fat, and more FAT
Posted by
Deb Heller
5:35 PM