We've been on the go around here since Kandy flew back to Ohio. I've been on an electronic leash - you know - a cell phone the whole time. Actually, it has helped quite a bit. Like today when I was talking to her at 2:50pm, just before the kidlets would be herded home by Lori. She was telling me that Megan had a Brownie meeting tomorrow. Just then, the land-line rings. It's Lori, and she's asking me, "Did you know Megan has a Brownie meeting today?"
Okay, so now I have a phone in each ear, listening to Lori while Kandy is talking on the cell to me about the meeting. I'm passing messages to everyone. Never did I think this would be me between two telephones. Confusing, too!
When the kidlets got home we jumped in the car and made off for the meeting...
And that is what my last week has been like. More later - they're getting ready to bring down blogspot! O.M.G.!!!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Life's a Bitch and then You Die
Posted by
Deb Heller
5:50 PM