Despite rains and wind and floods, we celebrated the New Year in style and fashion! One of my favorite skyscapes is Seattle at night. Even more spectacular is when they have fireworks exploding near, over, and on the Space Needle. (Funny to me that there is nothing all that special about the Space Needle when you actually visit the structure and go up into the revolving restraurant. But as a landmark vista - it is quite a sight to behold.)
Day One of the year two thousand and six. Do you think anyone will ever call it "Twenty 'aught Six?" like they did at the turn of the last century? Old-timers would say something like, "Well, back in 'aught three there was a drought the likes of which your great-grand-pappy never knew." Maybe when I grow old and talk to my grandchildren (should I be so lucky), I'll revive that age-old tradition and use.
That's my New Year Resolution for twenty 'aught six.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Day One - Twenty 'aught Six
Posted by
Deb Heller
11:20 AM