Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Okay, it's back to work now!

Christmas Day 2005... is over. Gone. Kaput.

Wrapping paper, kids' toys, kitty toys, mom's toys and new clothes are looking for a resting place. Kids are eager to share their booty, moms are eager for them to go outside and play.

Ahhh, the quiet. Watching the blinking lights on the tree and all the decorations in the quiet twilight - it's as if the year is closing its door ever so gently. Reflecting over the year, the good and the bad times both seem far away and fading. Light is shining into the door of the next year.

Has anyone ever found the answer to why time goes so much faster as we grow older more experienced? It seems as if I blinked, and 2005 had passed so quickly I hardly took in a breath!

Here are some of the things that happened this year that somehow involved me in some way or other:

  1. Met my sister, Betty, for the first time,
  2. My brother and his wife moved from 90 miles away to somewhere near Phoenix, Arizona (hundreds and hundreds of miles away),
  3. Made lots of new friends,
  4. Changed jobs and re-charged my batteries because of it,
  5. Gained way too much weight ::sigh::
  6. Stretched my gentler side a bit more than usual,
  7. Got a new cell phone with a camera and Bluetooth,
  8. The girls each grew about 12" more... or so it seems!
Well, those are some of the milestones. I'm sure there are others, maybe even better ones, but of course those are fuzzy memories.

The girls started a new school year, made lots of friends, read Harry Potter books, among others. Kandy and the girls went to see the Chronicles of Narnia and liked it very much. Katie expressed an interest in reading the book(s). I have never read the books, and so do not know the story at all. I guess we'll have to rectify that situation! I didn't see the movie - so I guess I will probably wait until it comes out on DVD.

Looking forward to next year... Kandy's 50th birthday is in March, and has decided that we should all celebrate by going to DisneyLand during the girls' Spring Break. We already have our Golden Mickey Mouse Ears (it's Disneyland's 50th year, too!), and we're making plans already! I'm so excited - what a great idea she had!
