There's a fellow at work named Balu. Actually, his name is short for something about ten times longer than that, and I have no idea how to pronounce it. So, Balu it is. He sent me an email the other day saying that he has been too BZ to respond to a request I made.
I guess he was so BZ that he couldn't spell the word. I mean it's harder to type in BZ than it is to just type in "busy."
Try it. You'll see.
Warning! Spoilers Below...

We've been busy, busy, buzy around here. The partner and the kidlets and I all went to see Harry Potter yesterday. I was the only one who had read the book prior to see the movie. It's a good thing I did, since the editing (particularly in the first half of the movie, but not confined there unfortunately) was so poorly done that if you don't know the story, I don't know how you could not be lost wondering why one scene lead to another.
For example, in the beginning the viewer doesn't even get to see a bit of the Quidditch game, are never more than introduced to Krum, when suddenly everything is shifted to inside the Weasleys' tent and the Death Eaters start mayhem, causing Mr. Weasley to get the family moving out. Mass confusion. Next thing you know everything is a burning ruin, with little to no explanation. Then the Dark Mark is displayed in the sky. That's it. Not much more, and pretty much we're in Hogwarts next. Transitions were non-existant. I have no clue how anyone who does not know the story could know what might have been going on...
And the most terrible example of editing came three quarters of the way into the movie when Harry, Ron, Hermione and Hagrid were walking through the woods (for no particular reason I could discern) and there was a momentary flash on Barty Crouch Sr. laying on the ground. The next thing you know Harry is going up to Dumbledore's study, and no subsequent explanation for that scene is ever uttered for the rest of the movie.
Of course, if you've read the book, you already know about Crouch being in the woods, but the movie had the one fleeting and unsupported scene, with no apparent connection to anything at all.
But, overall, it was a fun movie to sit through. Because of the flaws, I didn't enjoy it as thoroughly as I have the previous three movies. I feel the scenes could have been transitioned much better, and it could have been less choppy, especially in the first half. I give it a 2.5 out of 5.