Tip of the hat to Phil Collins...
Yes, we're still on holiday... but we're having a bifurcated holiday this year (see, I really can use a dictionary!). Kandy and the girls are in Ohio and parts south, and my mission is to stay on the Left Coast and go up to Lakewood to see my Mom. To that end, I drove into Lakewood yesterday around 12:30pm - after four hours of everything from sprinkling rain to gully-washers beginning from Springfield, Oregon, going northward.
(Geeze! I wanted to visit in summer so as to miss the darned rain. I forgot something very important - this is Washington. Silly me.)
It's good to have finally made it to Mom's house, albeit a little soggy. My trip actually started on Thursday in the bleary AM, and by the time I reached Springfield I was ready for a rest, so I stayed overnight. It hadn't rained yet. I do have a few pics I took along the way, but - drat! - I don't have the memory card with me at the moment - so that will have to wait.
Speaking of "at the moment," I'm writing this blog entry from a lovely bakery called Panera Bread a wonderful little place that also serves up free Wi-Fi access - which makes it tops in my book. Mom doesn't have a computer, hence no Internet access. So I must go out in search of a fix for my addiction. This place is ideal. The wonderful smells of bread baking, lovely bagels to break my fast, and coffee - as much as I can hold! Yes, it is......Heaven on Earth.
Also, at the moment, it isn't raining quite yet. Threatening, though. My Big Brother and his wife are in Olympia helping to celebrate a local event - the Golden 50 year anniversary of Capital LakeFair Festival, near the state capital. (Big Brother is a past President of Lakefair - please bow or curtsey. :-) I hope the rain holds off for the event - the vendors are small non-profit organizations who get much of their funds from sales during Lakefair. If the weather is sucky, so are their sales. They really need to appease the weather gods! It's a great, supportive organization - and I wish I could give them sunshine through Sunday.
Thank you all for stopping by to wish me well during my holiday break. I hope to be checking in, posting here and there. I just don't know how often I'll be able to do that! We'll just have to wait and see.
More pictures, soon!