My blogwatch says there are 14 new blog posts for me to read. So many good blogs, so little time. At the moment I am blogging this via the wonders of email. So remember that folks - You, too, can blog - if only just via EMAIL! :-)
Here are a few catch-up items:
1. re: Jury Duty: The Judge in Kandy's case was overwhelmed with requests for jury leniency. He said that he had never seen so many applications from prospective juries to be released. Well, Doh! - it's the beginning of summer! What is he thinking? Fortunately, Kandy listed all her reasons, not the least of which was the plane tickets to Ohio leaving the day before the trial start date - and the judge let her go. Yippeee!
2. The front garden is really coming together. Still lots of work to do in the rose garden - I must pledge myself to Kandy to help out there... It's a daunting task. Pictures soon. Stay tuned!
3. It felt like we spent the entire weekend in the car. Drove up Pacific Coast Highway (pictures soon, too) past Jenner to Ft. Ross. The girls enjoyed Ft. Ross, but not the long ride. We couldn't find a sandy beach that far north. We should have stopped at Bodega Bay for them to swim...
Did you know the PCH is full of hairpin turns?
4. Of course, we ended up taking the scenic route as in, "No Megan, we're not lost. We know where we are, we just aren't quite sure how to get where we want to go!"
(Warning: Graphic Kid Detail below - do not eat while reading this...)
5. 1500 feet from Ft. Ross Megan says, "I'm not feeling good." (Did I mention the hairpin turns?) 1200 feet from Ft. Ross Megan can't hold it in anymore. There's nothing like the sound of a kid up-chucking in the car. I can finally pull over - just in front of the sign that says we're 1000 feet from our destination. Wonder Woman Kandy jumps out and gets Megan out of the car, but not before orange vomit (damn those Chee-tos!) is all over the floor, her pants & shoes, the seat, and Katie is cringing away on the far side of seat (this is not one of her finest moments).
6. Excitement over. On to Ft. Ross. Pictures soon. I promise. Really.
7. Eventually head to Guerneville (a very gay-friendly town) for very late lunch. Wandered into a few shops, one wasn't appropriate for kids, quickly ushered them out before they noticed... Another was a hemp store (as in textiles, you silly people). Megan got a great marionette puppet, Katie and Kandy got a couple of hemp bracelets with beads.
8. Back home. I am beginning to hate driving. I love destinations, though. Stay tuned for pictures. I promise. Really.
That was our weekend.
How was yours?
"We used to think that a hundred million monkeys at an hundred million typewriters eventually could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
Monday, June 18, 2007
So Many Blogs, So Little Time
Posted by
Deb Heller
9:06 AM