Oh Happy Day! I'm still enjoying my birthday! Although it was a week ago today, Kandy gave me the gift that will keep on giving for a while. My lovely partner knows just what I want, and need: a fantastic $200 gift certificate for any Spa Body Care Experience I would like at the Purple Orchid Inn Resort and Spa.(You might recall a previous post from the time we found the Purple Orchid as we were meandering about the Livermore Valley one Sunday late last year.) So, yesterday I scheduled a heavenly Swedish Massage.
Ahhhhhhh! So-o-o-ooo Wonderful. I fully recommend one to you
Katie gave me a wonderful tote bag - something I like carrying to the library, or to beach, or even to the mall.
Megan gave me a pillow case which was actually made by a family friend, Stacy. She had made a cool flame pillow case for Megan's birthday. Megan, our thoughtful little kid, asked Stacy if she would make a pillow case for Momma Kan's birthday in March. So, when Kandy's birthday came around, Megan had a unique gift for her.

Unbeknownst to me, she had also asked Stacy to make another pillow case for my birthday. What a surprise that was! Here is a picture of Megan's gift of the softest little bear who is sitting on the folded pillow case.
I am really and truly enjoying my birthday - even today. My family takes good care of me!
Oh, I almost forgot. If you look really, really close at the little bear's paw on your left, you'll see the fancy earrings that Katie gave me. What more could a Mom ask for?